13 January 2025

Still blocked the funds for the suburbs, the Calabria would lose 110 million

The government still says no and confirms the blockade to the funds for the suburbs destined to all Italy. A major blow to the region of Calabria, which would lose well 110 million euros. The decision came from Montecitorio after the meeting with the various mayors and the Commission. On the war foot many associations. Also the deputy vice-president of the group Forza Italy in the chamber, Roberto Occhiuto is not there: "The suspension of funds of the ' announcement peripheries ' established by the decree Milleproroghe undermines the relationship of loyal collaboration between the institutions and makes lose to Calabria 110 million euros. A serious and schizophnical Act of the majority that on the one hand establishes the parliamentary committee of Inquiry to promote the requalification of the suburbs and on the other takes away important resources to the municipalities that have already initiated projects, many of which Can be The deputy vice-president of the Forza Italia group in the chamber, Roberto Occhiuto, says. "In Those funds-continues-are included the costs of planning that many administrations have already supported. Only in Reggio Calabria between town and metropolitan city would lose almost 58 million euros, while 34 million would be lost in Catanzaro and 30 million in Cosenza. With this act we take away additional resources to the municipalities to give everyone the opportunity to use the leftovers of administration. It would have been appropriate to finance this possibility with other resources. We in Forza Italy have tabled a Suppressive amendment to restore funding. With this rule the territory is damaged, when it would be necessary to give maximum priority to the requalification of the suburbs ".

Tom Case

According to Enza Bruno Bossio del Pd: "In the guilty complicity of the Calabrian League and 5star Deputation is consumed by the government the very serious subtraction to the municipalities of the funds destined to the recovery of the suburbs. In fact, there has been no effect from the hearing of the delegation of mayors, led by President Anci Antonio DeCaro, in Montecitorio, in the context of the joint work of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, the Council Presidency and the Interior, and the Budget Committee. The Government of Defeatism has maintained the decision contained in the decree Milleproroghe, that is to cancel a very important investment made by the government Renzi and Gentiloni, aimed at recovering the most degraded pockets of large cities on the basis of A healthy principle of urban regeneration and emergence of discomfort. Nothing was worth the sacrosanct reasons of form and content exposed by the directors: the conventions between state and administrations had already been subscribed, in many cases contracts were started and, on the basis of these funds, several mayors had Set their economic programming. Now, with a sponge shot, they risk finding a hole in the budget. They evaporated 3.8 billion, between public and private investments, for a total of 96 projects: 110 million of public investments only in Calabria. Catanzaro, Cosenza and Reggio Calabria had put on site projects that would have finally engraved on the conditions of whole pieces of cities, so far swallowed in the "non-places" that are our suburbs and to which, instead, had been given an opportunity for growth and Emancipation. What is striking is not only the absence of any form of reprogramming but the servile silence of the Calabrian parliamentarians of majority: until yesterday roaring lions and irreproachable censors and today bleating lambs on the skin of the Calabrians and their constituents. 

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