13 January 2025

The vote of April 2006

If the goal of the majority of the centre-right and the Berlusconi government, in launching the new electoral law, was to "mutilate" the victory of Prodi and to make, thus, ungovernable Italy, I must say that the result was obtained.

A majority that for four years, from 2001 onwards, was defeated by any electoral competition (municipal, provincial, regional) could not attend indifferent to its end. Then there is an electoral system packaged without the involvement of the opposition, with a mechanism that allows the formation of different majorities in the two branches of Parliament. How to say: Die Samson with all the Philistines! Only to die, this time, is Italy. A risk that I see not so remote.

I wonder where the good sense of the Italians went. In 1992 and 1993 I defended the proportional system both on television and in the squares, and I remember that we were in a few, then: Verdi, Network and communist refoundation. 90% of the Italians, with a referendum, had chosen the majority, and with that system was voted in 1994, 1996 and 2001. Then, suddenly, a few months after the vote in April 2006, here is the proportional back. With good peace of what had happened in the last twelve years.

A law, first voted by the center-right and then defined as a "porcata", has brought Italy to a degree of governability that is not what is desired.

In 1994 the Berlusconi government did not have the majority in the Senate and an unscrupulous purchasing campaign overturned the result out of the ballot box. In 2006 the majority of center-left is based on a few senators, but this is not enough to give the country the right degree of governability. I believe that Berlusconi, with this "poisoning the wells before leaving the camp", has made a great service to his party, but has made a bad service to the country.

That's why I voted the Communist refoundation. That doesn't mean I'm a communist. I made this choice to help create in Parliament a robust and reliable political force capable of combating an increasingly arrogant, populist, individualistic and interested right-wing culture, ready to break the bond of solidarity, subtle, which It still holds the company together and able to bring the country adrift. And I certainly did not worry about the presence in the lists of Luxuria and Caruso. Because I felt in good company: just read the names of writers, artists, men of culture and entertainment, entrepreneurs, men of professions, researchers, scientists, young people who before the elections have signed the appeal for the party of Bertinotti.

And then, let's face it clearly, some program of the so-called radical left is not to be thrown overboard. I am talking, for example, of the idea of taxing assets. When the State administration is unable to charge all the citizens with the income taxes produced, why scandalise themselves if they tax their assets? For 24 years I have been a financial analyst and I have seen hundreds of business budgets with insignificant net profits, if not even at a loss; Yet the analyzed subjects enjoyed a very respectable real estate, certainly not compatible with the revenue streams declared to the IRS. Where is the scandal if these gentlemen are also called to pay taxes, just as the undersigned paid for 36 years, without interruption, through the direct levy in a paycheck, and so how will I continue to pay them during the retirement period?

I am not able to predict the political future of the country, because that is not my job. But I am sure of one thing: with this last "stunt" Silvio Berlusconi will emerge from the story. He created a political system based on the sovereignty of partisan feudality, rather than on the strength of the institutions (words of Franco Cangini in today's Southern Gazette), and this, I add, was certainly the last thing the country needed.

Before the vote, Sergio Romano wrote in Corriere della Sera on Saturday, April 8, 2006: "Berlusconi is the man who helped to create the conditions for a new Italian political system. But he is also the man who prevented him from working well. It was for some time the solution of our problems. Has become the biggest problem in the country. "

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