13 January 2025

The "noble" Art of Boxing

Also this year S. Mango was home to the boxing championsh
ip. Attending the event, I came naturally to make considerations that I like to express on our site "official" local, with the desire to give birth to a democratic exchange of views between villagers.

Among the guests at the event, we had the honour of having as a guest the maximum institutional charge of Calabria, that is to say the president of the region.

Wandering, involuntarily but evidently because of a metabolization of a memory, in the labyrinths of the mind, I happened to associate the ring of a boxing match, with the election campaign concerning the administrative elections of S. Mango of 1988.

In that context, the current President Agazio Loiero was a candidate in the local list DC, against the then undisputed PSI Sanmanghese.

It will also be true the "Panta Rei" of Eraclitiana memory, where everything flows, but try to imagine the mood of a consistent voter, maybe left as the undersigned, who argued with his own vote, then leftist politicians who today are right and Instead, you have to apply for center candidates who are left today.

Characters, who today with great ease, continue to ride the wave of power management, without any scruples, nor much less justifications whatsoever.

What has just been exposed, may seem rhetorical, given the consolidated Italian transformation, but the real disappointment consists in almost nothing hope in a reconstruction of our poor Calabria.

The President Loiero, should not lose the opportunities of limestone platee, to exhibit albeit synthetically, the steps that intend to implement; Inform the community of how it thinks to intervene on the decline of tourism in Calabria; If Calabria in this context, really needs artistic-sports demonstrations rather than serious and immediate interventions on pollution; If it still intends to replallate the budgets of secondary councillorates, to continue to give life to patronage policies; If you have noticed that Calabria has entered the eye of the cyclone of the national press on the hundreds of assignments given to external consultants, presidents of committees, head groups, in short appointments invented to maintain the current political bandwagon; If you think that the nation Italy can continue to pay all that or rather if it must revise its theories of opponent of devolution.

No Calabrian citizen would rejoice if we were to reach the application of a righteous system on principles inspired by the economic and financial autonomy of our region, but I believe that the president does not realise that we cannot support a theoretical principle And in reality you remarvi against. 

What do you weigh fellow citizens? Cordially Antonio Notarianni.

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