Choosing the CALABRIA for the European landscape CONVENTION 2018

will be held in Tropea, from 3 to 4 October next, the "ateliers for the European Landscape Convention" 2018. The Council of Europe has chosen the Calabria for the performance of the 21st edition that will address the theme "Paysage et éducation. On October 5th will be a day dedicated to study visits to Zungri and Serra San Bruno. The development in Calabria of the "ateliers for the implementation of the European landscape Convention" represents an important recognition of the activity carried out by the region on Themes of the Government of the Territory and the quality of the landscapes and interventions. " The role of those involved in the administration and government of the region-stressed the regional Councillor for spatial planning Franco Rossi-is to understand what can be the current potential of the system in terms of valorisation of Landscapes by providing a contribution of theoretical and design experimentation for a landscape urbanism aimed at an inclusive and dynamic interpretation of the planning itself. Thus, growth, development, environment, education, work, competitiveness, innovation, services, infrastructures, social policies, culture and Government of the territory, become, more than ever, the key words through which to decline policies and interventions. The choice on Calabria was taken last year by the Council of Europe meeting, which took place in Brno, on the basis of the programme presented by the Councillor Rossi, who highlighted how the great territorial variety of Calabria constitutes a model of As rich as ever, able to enclose, in a relatively contained extension, an infinite archive of natural manifestations, of landscape and environmental goods, within which the urban structures are embedded, the villages, parts Integral and constituent of the landscape, a remarkable richness of human resources, of cultural heritage, of manufacturing skills, of social richness. " In this framework – recalled the exponent of the Oliverio junta – the orientation of the regional government in the field of river systems aimed at a model for the implementation of strategies taken by the management of hydraulic risk has been highlighted, to exploitation, the protection of resources, the productive use of the same areas, towards the harmonization and integration of disciplines that include the enhancement of landscapes, energy policies, soil defence, tourism-recreational, Protecting and protecting areas, social cohesion, etc. River contracts, in this context, are negotiated programming tools for strategic planning through an innovative approach to co-planning or the active and direct involvement of citizens and carriers of Interest related to the river territory, in terms of safeguarding the hydraulic risk and the exploitation and management of landscape and environmental resources. Therefore-he specified the Councillor Rossi-Calabria as a territory of experimentation and innovation. And the recent announcement on the villages is an important testimony, which is a candidate to play its part in Europe and in the Mediterranean by starting a path attended and shared. The programme foresees an intense confrontation between the European regions during a three-day intensive work in which the region of Calabria will present proposals, initiatives and comparisons.

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