The association Riviera of sunsets aims at the natural phenomenon to revive the tourism of the Costa Lamezia in the medium-long period

Riviera that encloses the stretch of coast between the territory of San Mango D'Aquino and that of Curinga

It is based on an intangible good, but the association "Riviera of Sunsets" aims at the natural phenomenon to revive the tourism of the Costa Lamezia in the medium-long period. Th
e first President-elect is Sergio Tomaino (the honorary one is Giampiero Scarpino), who considers that "the same sunset that attracts tourists to Santorini and Ibiza takes place on our coast. To attract visitors we have airport, 4 exits of the motorway and the railway station, needed a territorial promotion agency that had a role of connection between supply and demand. The aim is to manage directly the tourist offer, to evaluate the quality, because the operators are also helped to improve themselves». Curing
a, Motta Santa Lucia, San Mango were among the first municipalities of Lametini to deliberate the adhesion to the new reality, on which Tomaino states that however, "already is in place with expedited celerity also the recognition by other municipalities of the coast Tyrrhenian. Yesterday the province of Catanzaro has recognized the denomination of Riviera of the sunsets of the Tyrrrrenic coast falling into its competence, in a few months has arrived this official recognition». Th
e logo itself curated by Stefania Scalzo depicts the elements of the coastal as the lighthouse, the sun plunging into the sea, the seagulls flying over the horizon. It remains a recursive problem of every summer, that is the quality of the sea, subject indirectly treated by Tomaino announcing that "the next commitment will be to work to have the blue flag if not from next year from 2020 for our coast. It will be a difficult, long journey that requires the commitment of the municipalities and the various
bodies involved. ' A slogan launched in June, in 3 months has already given rise to a movement with signs of entrance on the Riviera that encloses the stretch of coast between the territory of San Mango D'Aquino and that of Curinga, "explains Scarpino," and the idea that I was spinning in the head , seeing what already in place in the rest of Calabria with the various "coasts", has become first an internet site that enclosed the photos taken and found online, then th
is association». You chose the theme of the sunsets «because it was one of the things that most hit the athletes that from outside of Calabria son came to play here in Lamezia with the men's volleyball team. A natural phenomenon that in places like Ibiza and Santorini is exploited as an attraction for the locals, but also at the real estate level with Spain that with the slogan of "300 Days of Sunshine" has activated a market with Northern Europe». Scarpino hopes that sacal works with the airlines «to have more connections with the cold countries, to help this market that is growing throughout Europe», even if the various companies are already announcing bids for the period between April and October of Next year, and just this morning the President De Felice was in Catanzaro in the region to talk about the new flights to Reggio Calabria and Crotone. The association points out, however, that they have already requested a meeting with the President De Felice to have clarification for the offer to enlarge from 2020 on carriers from abroad, always if there will be the expansion of the t
erminal. As Vice president of the association, Sebastiano Barbanti remarks the need to "coordinate the tourist offer, now not organized organically among the various territorial realities, because they can not be local and isolated initiatives to bring development. We start to work with the existing receptive structures, the agencies must guarantee the support of the offer, but we must start as if it were the year zero. '

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