19 January 2025

Lega Nocera Terinese: "Closure of ASP vaccine center is unacceptable"

"The closure of the Nocera Terinese ASP Vaccine Center is unacceptable." To affirm it are the exponents of the "coordination of the city-Salvini Premier League" of Nocera Terinese, led by Gino Macchione, which in a letter addressed to the Asp of Catanzaro, as well as the President of the Regional Council, Mario Oliverio, take a clear Position on the choice made on 31 August, when the birth of the "single centre of vaccinations" of the district of Lamezia Terme, intended to be a reference point for all municipalities in the health district, produced an abnormal consequence. "The single center of vaccination-write the members of the league-was born with the aim to unite all other structures located on the territory, after closure of all the vaccination centers in the various countries of the District Lametino." This, at least, is what was stated during the inauguration of the structure. "Appreciable intent", add the representatives of the National coordination of the League of Nocera Terinese, if it were not that, "to date, is experiencing a situation quite abnormal: The Vaccines center of Nocera Terinese, in fact, was immediately imposed To cease the activity to date from September 1, others, as for example Gizzeria, Maida and Curinga, continue to provide the service and to welcome bookings even in the long term, as can be easily verified on the site of ASP.

"An absurd anomaly, according to the representatives of the league-Salvini Premier Nocera, according to which," whereas the Presidium of Nocera Terinese, due to its geographic position, has always been an important filter for the users of the common neighbors, offering and Guaranteeing a service of considerable relevance to a considerable basin of people, one does not understand well the logic and the criteria adopted, which penalise some municipalities distant from Lamezia and favour, keeping the opening, those geographically closer to the new Vaccination Center. What is the meaning? " The doubt of the league club of Nocera is clear: "We would not want this further step towards impoverishment of the sanitary structure of Nocera Terinese Celi a targeted and subtle maneuver by someone who aims at the definitive closure of the Presidium." The final appeal of the Salvini Premier League of Nocera Terinese is "to those who have the task of giving the appropriate answers on the subject, so as to undertake to closely monitor the correct interpretation and implementation of the directives imposed by the ASP." "Also because-concludes the note-immediately after sending the letter to ASP, which occurred a few days ago, the citizens of Nocera, but also of some neighboring countries, have promoted a collection of signatures because in addition to the service of vaccinations, in recent years, have been Discontinued the services of Diabetology, surgery, orthopaedics and Gynecology. "

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