On Monday the city of San Mango D'Aquino will give the home assistance to the elderly of the Country.

On Monday the city of San Mango D'Aquino will give the home assistance to the elderly of the Count
ry. The aim of the initiative is to offer a service of support to the elderly, through activities such as: accompaniment to the outside, support for socialization, small expenses, practical handling within the municipal territ
ory. The interventions of the operators will be aimed, above all, at combating loneliness and promoting socialization and aggregation, through the involvement of relatives and neighbours; Participation in socializing initiatives; The accompaniment for visits or walks; Leisure activities such as reading newspapers, playing games or simple Conver
sation. The project recognizes the need for the elderly Person's help in affirming his right to social inclusion and promotes positive actions aimed at encouraging socialising experiences and maintaining an active social life. 

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