6 February 2025

Thousands of faithful to Conflenti for elevation to Basilica, Mayor invites Pope Francis

In front of thousands of pilgrims from the entire diocese of Lamezia Terme and Calabria, the solemn elevation of the Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Visora was held in Conflenti. The ceremony was presided by Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the sacraments which on behalf of Paa Francis Officialized the elevation to the basilica. The Bishop of Lamezia Terme, Luigi Cantafora highlighted how "the elevation to a minor Basilica of our diocesan shrine is a further sign of the paternal attention and affection of Pope Francis for our diocese." Therefore, the intervention of the mayor, Serafino Paola who greeted Cardinal Sarah, speaking of "prestigious presence that rekindled the soul of joy and gratitude to the Holy Father Francis that she, as Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the sacraments, represents. They greet you with grateful and grateful soul all the faithful gathered here who live with great participation this moment of communion, the civil and military authorities that I thank for their precious testimony. The greet also those who, emigrated to distant lands-added the first citizen-have left here their roots and their affections: I just listen in a moment of silence my heart, to imagine their yearning nostalgia and warn here, in the midst of no I, their moved presence.

A greeting also from the representatives of the other municipalities expressing, with their participation in this historic event, feelings of gratitude to the Holy Father for the occasion of grace that privileged the diocese of Lamezia Terme and all its surroundings. Most Reverend Eminence-he also highlighted the mayor addressing the cardinal-on this day of gladness for this community I would like to allow me to turn my deferent gaze to His Holiness Francis and quietly invite him to Conflenti to Celebrating the Eucharist. I know that this desire appears as a dream of difficult accomplishment, but I pray to Our Lady to INTERCSE so that the Holy Father positively valutes this eventuality, precious to strengthen more and more the spiritual commitment with the Marian Community Of the Basilica of Visora and help it build an even deeper bond with God. To His Excellency Monsignor Cantafora I address a sincere thanks for his commitment to elevate the shrine to the Basilica, but it is also my desire to express his gratitude for his pastoral activity in our diocese carried out with balance and Wisdom. " A great manifestation that confirmed the importance that is in the territory of Lametini and Calabrese; A village that is finding the ancient splendours and that confirms the primary center of tourist and religious interest.

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