19 January 2025

Ippoturismo, Marsico's proposal to revive seven municipalities

Ippoturism-The holidays on horseback-as an identity element around which to build a new tourist economy and to enhance the territory. To launch the idea Francesco Marsico, Councillor for economic and financial Area of the municipality of San Mango D'Aquino, which launches a public appeal to the union of municipalities "Monti Ma. Re "-that brings together seven municipalities from Conflenti to Gizzeria-so that they can give concreteness and legs to an experimental project, which arises first of all from the creation of a map of naturalistic paths. "We have-points out Marsico-of several kilometers of coasts and wonderful hills; Not to mention the forests that adorn the Monti Mancuso and Reventino in which a vast and varied typology of rare trees like the white fir and the loricate pine abound. In the face of all this, my appeal goes to the mayors of the seven municipalities so that, together with the productive forces, we draw a project that brings together the beauties of the sea, the green hills and the lush forests to give life to an innovative tourism project and Qualified to give a fair prominence to this wonderful heritage. " 

Hence the proposal to the administrators of the Territory to make team and to commit themselves on a project with great expansive force: "The idea-explains the councillor of San Mango D'Aquino-is to develop a" package of services "that accompanies tourists from the arrival up At the start, planning different holidays from the usual and making the stay an experience not to forget. The overall vision of the project aims to create a strategic plan for territorial tourism that becomes, over time, the flagship of the regional territory. More precisely, my wish is to stimulate young and old people to get involved to materialise a hypothesis that in the long run could create relevant channels of employment.

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