14 September 2024

Illicit waste near football field at San Mango D'Aquino, dewounded municipal technician

Seized the waste on an area of about 300 square meters in a neighboring area to a football field in San Mango D'Aquino and denounced the technician of the municipality. The staff of the police stations of Nocera and Girifalco, in fact, have identified in an area owned by the municipality of S. Mango D'Aquino, and falling in the territory of the municipality of Martirano Lombardo, about 80 cubic meters of special waste From demolition activities of buildings.

From the investigations carried out it would have emerged that the wastes derive from a measure of the commune of S. Mango D'Aquino with which the demolition of 2 buildings was arranged and the accumulation of the resulting materials in an area owned by the same commune of S. Mango D'Aquino. The area in which the waste has been illegally deposited is located in the territory of the municipality of Martirano Lombardo, which, previously, has been expropriated for the construction of sports facilities in the municipality of S. Mango D'Aquino.

The waste, according to the investigators, would have been illicitly deposited on a surface of about 300 square meters, fenced and with entrances closed by padlocks, and adjacent to a football field. Having detected the unlawful deposit of the waste and the investigations and the reliefs of the rite, the area and the waste were seized and the head of the technical Department of the Municipality of S. Mango D'Aquino was referred to the competent judicial authority.

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