19 January 2025

Small common waste collection: final ranking approved

The Department of Environment and Territory approved, with Executive Decree N. 12509 of 02/11/2018, the definitive ranking of the design proposals accepted for financing under the regional notice addressed to the Calabrian municipalities with a population of less than 5000 inhabitants. In the face of the 224 local authorities that have applied are well 154 the municipalities financed definitively by the announcement, with the involvement of about 340,000 inhabitants.

Here are the municipalities of Lametini admitted to the announcement:

Carlopoli for 39,416 euros, decollatura for 98,560.80 euros, feroleto Antico for 68,986.01 euros, gizzeria for 161,126.38 euros, Nocera Terinese for 44,531.59 euro, Pianopoli for 84,134.44 euro, Platania for 22,280.95 euro, Serrastretta for 82,576 euro, Soveria Mannelli for 95,962.96 euros, San Mango d'aquino for 40,629.20 euros, St. Peter the Apostle for 50,560.90 euros.

Following the activities carried out by the Commission specifically appointed for the verification of eligibility and the assessment of applications, the measure formalizes the list of beneficiaries excluded from the financing (annexes 1 and 2) and the list of beneficiaries The project proposal has been admitted, with the overall outcome of the costs of the eligible (annex 3), for a total commitment of more than 8.3 million euros to be relied on for the POR Calabria 2014/2020. "We have reached another important milestone-said the president of the region Calabria Mario Oliverio-in the field of interventions, programmed by the region Calabria also through the regional waste plan, which aim to elevate the quality Of the separate collection system. After funding the projects for the reorganization and enhancement of services in the most populous Calabrian municipalities, we are now ready to transfer significant resources to support local administrations in smaller contexts so that may contribute in total to the attainment of the differentiated collection level of at least 65% throughout the territory within the maximum period of 31 December 2020.

A commitment that we have taken together with all the Calabrian communities because the improvement of the quality of the waste collection system is a crucial challenge for the sustainable development and the economy of our region, a challenge on which it is necessary Concentrate the forces of all the players in the system. In this direction we strongly wanted to support and accompany the municipalities in these months in order to allow a wide participation in the ban and to guarantee the financing of projects able to concretely affect the implementation and On the efficiency of separate waste collection '. "I express great satisfaction-said the regional councillor for the protection of the environment Antonella Rizzo-for the achievement of another important result for the optimization of the regional system of municipal waste management. Another piece is added to the complex of actions planned by the regional government. The enhancement of separate collection stems from a process of sharing and participation with territories, local administrations and is an expression of a strategy that is aimed at "normalizing" the system after decades of inefficiencies, thanks to the commissioning field of synergy actions. At a distance of less than 2 years after the approval of the regional waste management plan, the results achieved are undoubtedly encouraging: the differentiated collection is continuously increasing and the achievement of the percentage of 65% is really Your fingertips. 

With this funding we help the small Calabrian municipalities that are the backbone of our region. They can then elevate the efficiency of the service to the citizens and compete with the most populous municipalities to raise the regional percentage of the waste collection. Finally I feel that I have to make a special thanks to the waste sector of the environmental Department for the excellent work done here. " With the Executive decree, the regional administration approved, in particular, the definitive rankings concerning project proposals for municipalities with a separate collection level of 2015 less than 25% (annex 4) and project proposals for Municipalities with a level of RD at 2015 greater than 25% (annex 5), as well as the Convention scheme to be concluded with the beneficiaries.

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