11 September 2024

Lamezia, ASD Taekwondo at the interregional Poomsae Championship in Catanzaro

The ASD Taekwondo Sports School of Lamezia communicates to have participated, last November 4 at the Palagiovino of Catanzaro at the interregional championship poomsae that has seen about three hundred participants from different regions. The athletes in the race: Michael Isabella of Maritiaro; Talarico Vanessa of Maritiaro; Antonio Rocchetto di Martirano; Sofia Folino Gallo di Martirano; Anna Pagliaro di di Lamezia; Lucky Isabella bronze Medal of Martirano; Annarita Torchia bronze medal of Lamezia; Roberto Mastroianni silver Medal of San Mango; Salvatore Stranges and Angelo Aiello gold medal of Martirano. Lucky Novelliere, the technician of the ASD Taekwondo Sports School, stresses that "the taekwondo is a sport that molds the character of those who practice it, essential element in the present society to form of the best men". 

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