2 December 2024

Various road and maintenance interventions announced by the municipal administration of San Mango D'Aquino

With the 40,000 euro financing set out in the budget law by the Government

With the 40,000 euro financing set out in the budgetary law by the Government the municipal administration of San Mango D'Aquino decided to Bitumare the road of locality Pruno and Contrada Maletta, the Piazzale Of the Church of St. Francis and Buda, and to increase some gratings That create problems within the country and the cemetery, as well as the The Mmadonna quarry.
It is also intended to create steps in the tailoring area Arcuri, arrange a piece of sewer network between Casa Moraca and House of Rest, install some railades on the communal pavement in front of the Fairy Shop

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