3 December 2024

First Salon of the book Calabrian of San Mango D'Aquino

Olimpio Talarico: "We use culture to promote change"

An opportunity to interchange between authors and open meeting with readers the first edition of the Salone del libro calabrese of San Mango D'Aquino, held in the opening day of the festival that will animate the town. In the intentions of the organizer Antonio Chieffallo the idea of giving a strong cultural imprint to the event, creating an unprecedented precedent and putting together well 102 Calabrian authors who responded to an invitation made to Personam, United for the first time since desire to meet and to make culture. A desire certainly shared by the character who has given this first edition to baptism: The writer Olimpio Talarico, one of the organizers of the prize Caccuri.

' ' A Caccuri won our enthusiasm-said Talarico-we talk about a country where the nearest bookstore was 50 km and the nearest theater to 80. Today, at the seventh edition, we are on the main national newspapers. ' ' Veteran from an interview on Rai 1, Talarico stressed the importance of being constant and free from political constraints in bringing forward cultural events in Calabria, because ' ' we must use culture to promote change. ' '

Among the prizewinners with symbolic plaques delivered by the municipal administration the blogger Lamezia Ippolita Luzzo, the young writer Nicola Cosentino native of Praia a Mare and candidate with his latest book at the Premio Brancati, the writer Lametini Antonio Saffioti, the vital judge, the journalist Gregory Corigliano. ' One of the plaques went also to the writer Antonio Perri, prematurely disappeared about a month ago, just after the publication of the book written in four hands with his son Salvatore. The authors ' books are still available at the San Mango D'Aquino Palace of Culture. 

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