22 October 2024

San Mango D'Aquino, named Armando Orlando President of the Municipal Library

The honorary president of the municipal library, identified by the mayor, Leopoldo Chieffallo, is the writer, poet and historical essayist, Armando Orlando.

Among other things we would like to make the congratulations as editorial Team de ilReventino.it for the competent choice adopted by the Civic administration, convinced that it is the right person in the right place, and we take the opportunity to bring the Public thanks to Armando Orlando, who signed the valuable articles on these pages, but also for the commitment that dedicates to the dissemination and knowledge of the rich historical cultural heritage not only of the entire territorial area of Reventino-Sanche but of The whole of Calabria.

The appointment has been conferred – as we read in the resolution signed by the Mayor – taking into account the competences and the enlightened cultural activity aimed at enriching the knowledge through its punctual and precise research of the history of the community Sanmanghese and Calabria.

The library at San Mango D'Aquino is operating from the 1979 through a free service that the municipality offers to all citizens. Moreover, as news and as an update on the fact of the attention reserved by the civic administration to the cultural sector, recently the structure of the library has been transferred to the new premises of the Palace of Culture. 

Below we publish the text of the post written by Armando Orlando on his social page. In support of the article are inserted photos, by Emanuele Melfi, performed on the occasion of the photographic exhibition "Te Recuperardi ' na vota?" held at San Mango D'Aquino, 29 April 2018, an initiative that saw a large audience, of all ages, Was intrigued and surprised at the photos exhibited.   

< < At the ceremony of reopening the library I thanked the municipal administration for the appointment, and I pointed out that I consider the honorary presidency an acknowledgement, first of all to culture in general, often overlooked by the institutions Local, when it is a growth factor that allows us-as Pasolini asked-to make sure that "development" and "progress" coincide; And then to the people who in 1976 have collected the appeal of a newspaper (the article was "the band of San Mango D'Aquino. A dynamic musical tradition that must not be left to die "), making that tradition come to us.   Some of those people are not there anymore. Others have become adults. Still others have been added, becoming more numerous each year and contributing to the founding of several associations that have led and continue to carry out on a regional scale a commitment of research and dissemination that relates to music, literature, history, Traditions and folklore. 
I also accepted the invitation to initiate a proactive collaboration for a library that is part of the Lametino librarian system and can become an important reference point. Once the electoral passage of June 2018 is completed for the renewal of the city Council, we will ask for a meeting with the future directors, and if they share the project, we shall provide the experience, the structures and the knowledge of Associations that have always supported and accompanied the cultural work that has been done until now. Delighted to make a contribution in the context of a "public-private" relationship based on collaboration and respect. It's not an easy feat. We're here! > >.

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