Space Vision-Beyond the borders: Together for the territory. Debate at San Mango D'Aquino

A "Speakers ' Corner" (a corner of the confrontation) to discuss new prospects for local development.

This is an open debate that leads as an intent to constitute a glance of the territorial context, at the time has been chosen by the organizers-a note received in the editorial-to give a connotation of wide Sharing as it implies the title chosen to announce the initiative.

Space Vision-Beyond the borders: Together for the territory.

The meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 15, beginning at 17:30, at the Palace of culture of San Mango D'Aquino.

<Sarà l’occasione per un confronto tra imprenditori, amministratori, associazioni e società civile su una nuova visione dei nostri territori. l’occasione="" per="" un="" confronto="" tra="" imprenditori,="" amministratori,="" associazioni="" e="" società="" civile="" su="" una="" nuova="" visione="" dei="" nostri=""></Sarà l’occasione per un confronto tra imprenditori, amministratori, associazioni e società civile su una nuova visione dei nostri territori.> We will try to put in the field a common thread that puts in cooperation the various realities to build a "territory system" able to look beyond the boundaries > >.

To conclude the initiative was invited the deputy of the Pd, Antonio Viscomi, with whom we will undertake an institutional path to the service of our communities.

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